Book Summary: The End of the disease – written by Dr. David Agus


Health is the basis of everything in life. When I was younger, I rank the things that I wanted as wealth, relationships, fame and power. I do not give one thought to health. As he moved in high school and college, I thought my retooled and health as the first. The reason for this without the health, can not achieve anything. Health, as the foundation of the house. It does not make sense to put in a hot tub when the house’s foundation is crumbling.

Why is this important to me?

Since health is the number one, and all the other good things arising therefrom, we must find ways to maximize their own health. It’s up to us to do this in our hands. Dr. Agus takes a systems approach to health care. It’s very impressive, because if you build a car or an airplane, you have to follow a very tight tolerances, in order to be successful, and work. You need to look down the whole section and not the other way around. Every man needs a parent to their health.

Healthcare complicated, because everyone is different. This means that the initial studies can be deceiving and your ethnic background. Everyone has different fingerprints, and another makeup. Studies carried disease is not a medical treatment point of view, but also prevention. This may not be well unless the whole is well – Plato

End the disease starts, we will answer questions in the summary killing.

1. How can a simple peek at the body’s proteins reveal his state of health at the moment, such a reading of the genetic code? how cells talk to each other proteins. What keeps the cancer is under control of the conversation between the proteins of the cells. The field of proteomics, the study of proteins.

2. What statins, like Lipitor Crestor the common swine and Alzheimer’s disease? Inflammation is a sign that something is wrong in the body. Virtually all chronic conditions have been linked to chronic inflammation, which creates inequality of the system, which stimulates negative effects on health. Statins act as an ant-inflammatory and help the body. Think about this, related professional footballers significantly shorter average life span due to inflammatory diseases.

3. Cancer – Cancer is not something that your body gets, but it’s something the body does not. If the environment will also communicate with the balance, it disrupted cells and unregulated cell growth occurs.

constructs a fourth – Genetic testing and knowing your history is very important. Let’s vitamin D as an example. If Norway, the tolerance of the day is very different than if Nigeria. These two very different comparing baseline needs vitamin D is therefore important to create his own personal benchmark, history and easily buy genetic testing before the supplement because you’re the average deficiency.

5. Vitamins – Vitamin A $ 25 billion industry. Dr. Agus profiles several studies, the vitamins that actually more of a negative impact, but also have a positive effect. The data show that it is not free to vitamins.

6. Real Food – The best way to get the nutrients, vitamins and minerals from our food. The best way to make this fresh and frozen food source flash.

Dr. Agus knows his stuff, and he credited the book’s title to Steve Jobs. Dr. Agus was the doctor. Doing simple prevention than to wear comfortable shows, do not sit all day long and dramatic impact on the health controlling inflammation. The number of books astonishingly affordable, if you adopt these simple behavior.

I hope you have found this short summary useful. The key to any new idea that work is a daily routine until it becomes habit. Habits form in as little as 21 days. One thing you can not take away from this book of common sense Health. Do the following – wear comfortable shoes, all real / fresh food, exercise and walk around the workplace. Most people (me too) are most of the day. They will acquire a treadmill desk and walk for at least 2 hours of work. This will not be an exercise routine, but a lifestyle change. I write will be posted on the results.


Source by Joe Mosed

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